Made to Order 5mm Wall Ultra Strong Art Grade Postal Tubes
Incredibly Strong Custom Made Extra Heavy Duty 5mm Wall Postal Tubes For Artists With A Nervous Disposition…
Yes, yes, we know that most artists are more than just a little worried about entrusting their work to the postie or a courier company — but short of driving the
length and breadth of the country hand delivering it yourself, there’s little
choice than to do so.
Our great quality 4mm ‘art grade’ cardboard postal tubes offer
huge advantages over other weaker tubes. There are of course always
going to be those artists that would sleep easier knowing they’ve upgraded to an
incredibly strong 5mm wall tube… for those people our custom 5mm
tubes might well be the key to a good night’s sleep. Though you’ll need
to be a little more patient as we make these to order – usually around 10
working days. But you might be lucky and get them in just a couple if
you order when we are making a batch for another client.